Friday, August 15, 2008

I ♥ my dad

Sorry I didn't post yesterday we were out all day pretty much .My Mom had up wake us up at6:45 am to take my Dad to work. But later we went to go play games but me and 2 of my brothers played laser tag. My dad works at a place called the Main event and they have a list of people that are having there party's there and one of the names was McKenzie. And so I was wondering if that was Mackenzie from my list of friends.



{McKenzie} said...

Sorry, thats not me. I would probably only have a party in May, because that is when my Birthday is. It probably isn't MacKenzie either because her birthday is only a few days after mine.

Anonymous said...

I love the title of this post Abby!
We sure had fun didn't we?

Nicole said...

Abby, do you know when those friendship bracelets come in, I'm just really anxious! BTW, love the vid on your blog! You should check out mine!

Kenzie said...

Yeah, Its not me either, Sorry